How To Order New Gifts and Books from the Museum shop
We do not operate a shopping basket on this site, so unfortunately you will need to complete the form here and either print it out and send or fax it to us or send it by e-mail.
To make it easier for you, we have uploaded the whole order form as a Word document. Click this link to download it to your browser or right-click the link and click "Save Target as" to store the form on your PC so that you can e-mail the completed copy later.
If you want to pay by cheque it must be in British Pounds and you must send it by post with your completed order form to: CVPHM Orders, 109 Head St,, Halstead,
Essex CO9 2AZ
If you want to pay by Credit card you can use post, fax or e-mail as we will send you a Paypal invoice which includes postage (if under £10). You MUST supply a valid e-mail address for this to work. You will need to have, or open, a Paypal account with your credit card. This is free, easy and secure; wait for the Paypal invoice to arrive and follow the simple instructions!
Not sure what to do? Ask us: E-mail
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